How to improve acne-prone skin and achieve healthier, clearer skin

Published on 23 July 2024 at 16:02

Let's talk about the journey from acne-prone skin to healthy, glowing skin. Dealing with acne can be challenging, but with the right approach and habits, it's possible to achieve clear and radiant skin.First things first, it's important to understand that everyone's skin is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. That being said, here are some general tips and tricks that can help you on your journey to healthier skin:

Keep it clean

Regularly cleanse your skin to remove excess oil, dirt, and impurities that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Look for a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that suits your skin type.

Cleanse twice daily with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser,Use a light, oil-free moisturizer.

  1. Use acne-fighting ingredients:
  • Salicylic acid to exfoliate and unclog pores
  • Benzoyl peroxide to kill acne-causing bacteria
  • Retinoids to promote cell turnover

Don't pick or pop pimples, as this can lead to scarring .Poke, pick, prick, and prod a pimple, and you can force the debris and bacteria even deeper into your skin. You may also introduce new kinds of bacteria from your finger into the zit. That can cause the pimple to become more red, inflamed, swollen and infected, and may even lead to permanent scarring.

Left alone, a blemish will heal itself in 3 to 7 days. Popped improperly, it can linger for weeks or lead to scarring.

How Pros Pop Pimples

Dermatologists and well-trained estheticians know how to do it safely. They wear gloves and lance a pimple with a sterile needle, then remove the contents with an instrument called a comedone extractor.

So, your best bet is to leave popping a pimple to the pros.

One more important thing is- Change pillowcases frequently and keep phones clean!


What happens when you don't change your pillowcase?
To put it simply, dirt can cause breakouts. If you are sleeping on the same sheets and pillowcase for weeks on end then your skin will flare up. All of the oil from your face will transfer and mix with sweat as you sleep, and the dirt will seep back into your pores, resulting in spots and blackheads.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Proper hydration is crucial for healthy skin. Drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer that is formulated for acne-prone skin. Hydrated skin is happy skin!Proper hydration also helps maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier, reducing inflammation and redness associated with acne. By supporting skin healing and repair processes, water aids in faster recovery from blemishes and can contribute to a smoother, more balanced complexion.

Flushing Toxins for Clearer Skin

Flushing toxins from the body is a beneficial process that can lead to clearer and healthier skin. When the body is properly hydrated, it aids in the efficient elimination of toxins through various channels, including the skin. Water helps to carry these harmful substances out of your system, reducing the burden on your skin and other organs responsible for detoxification.

By flushing out toxins, you can minimise the factors contributing to acne breakouts and other skin issues. Clogged pores and inflammation caused by the buildup of toxins can be reduced, leading to a clearer complexion. However, it’s important to note that while proper hydration is helpful, it should be complemented with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a consistent skincare routine to achieve the best results for clearer skin.

Controlling Oil with Proper Hydration

Controlling oil production through proper hydration is a smart strategy for managing oily or acne-prone skin. When the body is dehydrated, it may respond by producing excess oil to compensate for the lack of moisture on the skin’s surface. This overproduction of sebum can lead to clogged pores and an increased likelihood of acne breakouts.

By maintaining adequate hydration levels, you signal to your body that it doesn’t need to produce excessive oil. Hydrated skin is less likely to become overly oily, helping to prevent clogged pores and reducing the occurrence of acne. Additionally, proper hydration supports the skin’s natural barrier function, which helps to retain moisture and balance oil production.

However, striking a balance is essential; excessive hydration or using heavy, pore-clogging moisturisers may exacerbate oiliness. Instead, opt for lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturisers and drink enough water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and balanced. 

Easy Ways to Drink More Water for Better Skin Hydration

To get healthy, glowing, and acne-free skin, it is crucial to stay hydrated, making it an essential habit that everyone must follow.  Hydration is the key to healthy skin, as it affects how your skin looks and feels. A well-hydrated skin can prevent inflammation, Acne, pimple breakouts, and blockages by regulating sebum production and flushing out toxins. Drinking at least 3 liters of water daily is beneficial for your skin and improves your overall well-being.

You can also drink water infused with hydrating fruits and vegetables like cucumber and citrus to optimize your skin’s health with nutrients. You can also introduce hydrating products as a part of your skincare routine. Water-soluble creams, serums, or lotions will help your skin absorb the ingredients better and breathe well. Choose products with water-binding ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid to renew cells and hydrate them to prevent signs of aging and Acne. When integrated inside and outside your body, hydration can keep your skin glowing all day until your lifetime.

  • Carry a water bottle: Bring a reusable water bottle wherever you go. Having water readily available makes it easier to stay hydrated throughout the day.

  • Set reminders: Use your phone or a smartwatch to set hourly reminders to sip water. This will help you establish a regular hydration routine.

  • Infuse your water: Add natural flavours to your water by infusing it with fruits like lemon, cucumber, berries, and herbal tea. This can make drinking water more enjoyable and enticing.

  • Track your intake: Use a water tracking app or journal to monitor your daily water consumption. Seeing your progress and working towards reaching your hydration goals can be motivating.

  • Drink water before meals: Have a glass of water before each meal. Not only does this help with hydration, but it can also promote better digestion.

  • Substitute other beverages: Opt for water instead of sugary drinks or excessive caffeine. Water is calorie-free and hydrates your body without any added sugars or artificial ingredients.

  • Sip water during workouts: Stay hydrated during exercise by sipping water regularly. Proper hydration during physical activity is crucial for skin health and overall well-being.

  • Eat water-rich foods: Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and celery. These foods contribute to your overall water intake.

  • Make it a habit: Forming a habit takes time, so be patient with yourself. Eventually, drinking more water will become second nature.

Hands off

As tempting as it may be, avoid touching your face throughout the day. Our hands come into contact with countless germs and bacteria, which can exacerbate acne and other skin issues.

Things you can try if you have skin picking disorder

  1. keep your hands busy – try squeezing a soft ball or putting on gloves.
  2. identify when and where you most commonly pick your skin and try to avoid these triggers.
  3. try to resist for longer and longer each time you feel the urge to pick

Develop a consistent skincare routine

Consistency is key when it comes to skincare. Stick to a routine that works for you, including cleansing, moisturizing, and using any acne treatments.


Start the day with a morning skincare routine for acne-prone skin to nourish and protect your face for the long day ahead.


1. Cleanse with acne face wash

Begin your morning acne skincare routine with Blemish and Age Cleansing, which has been formulated with a 7% concentration of salicylic acid especially formulated for acne. This face wash is designed to gently cleanse the skin, removing any impurities and irritants whilst chemical exfoliating agents resolve congestion in the pores. To use, apply a small amount of the SkinCeuticals Clarifying Exfoliating Cleanser to a damp face and massage into the face and neck. Remove with warm water and pat dry. The face should feel fresh and clean without a tight feeling in the skin.


2. Use a toner for acne-prone skin

Next, apply a toner for acne after cleansing. SkinCeuticals Blemish and Age Toner is a great second step in the cleansing process and is designed to remove any residual dirt and impurities. This toner is ideal for acne-prone skin, as it contains hydroxy acids with exfoliating properties. This encourages faster cell turnover and removes any dead skin build-ups that may block pores. Spray a small amount of the SkinCeuticals Conditioning Toner onto a cotton pad and spread the product over the face, neck and chest. In addition to the hydroxy acids, this toner is formulated with eucalyptus oil for its anti-redness benefits.


3. Nourish your skin with a serum

After removing any impurities, it is important to nourish the skin with supporting ingredients. SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF is a vitamin C serum formulated to reduce the visible impacts of environmental damage to the skin and promote an even skin tone. The 2% concentration of phloretin can fade the appearance of pigmentations, discolouration and an uneven skin tone. Apply four to five drops of the SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF serum after your toner and massage this acne serum formula into the face and neck.


4. Boost hydration with a hyaluronic acid serum

Hyaluronic acid is an essential part of a daily skincare routine for acne – it’s an important molecule that can retain one thousand times its weight in water and acts as an H2O supply for your skin. Designed to keep your skin hydrated, SkinCeuticals H.A. Intensifier Serum can deliver immediate and long-term moisture for the day ahead. Apply four to six drops of the serum into your hand and dab onto the face and neck.


5. Target pimples with an acne spot treatment

Visibly reduce your acne breakouts with SkinCeuticals Blemish + Age Defense, which has been designed to reduce excess oil production and decongest clogged pores to minimise the appearance of acne. This oil-free acne serum features a 2% dioic acid to control excess sebum production that can lead to the formation of acne. Apply this acne serum to the affected areas.


6. Apply a moisturiser for acne-prone skin

Seal in the serums and give your skin an extra layer of hydration with a moisturiser for acne-prone skin. Applying a moisturiser for acne-prone skin is an essential step in your skincare routine, as this will hydrate, protect and nourish the skin. Gently rub this moisturiser into your face, neck and chest every morning.


7. Protect against UV exposure with SPF protection

SkinCeuticals Ultra Facial Defense SPF 50+ is a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has been designed to protect the skin against UV exposure to minimise the effects of photoaging. Environmental aggressors such as harsh UV rays can damage the skin, so applying effective sun protection is essential for maintaining optimal skin health. Apply SkinCeuticals Ultra Facial Defense SPF 50+ every morning – its formula will not clog pores and is suitable for acne-prone skin types. Avoid prolonged periods in direct sunlight and reapply every two hours.



After a long day facing harsh environmental forces and irritants, it’s time to give your acne-prone skin the face care routine it needs to visibly repair overnight.


1. Wipe away excess make up

Simply Clean Makeup Removal Cleanser is a gel-textured face wash that clears stubborn waterproof makeup and oil build-up formed throughout the day. It has been formulated with sulfonic acid to gently exfoliate and remove skin build-ups, revealing fresher and cleaner skin. Massage one pump of this face wash into the face and neck to remove sweat, pollution, makeup and dead skin cells. This will leave the pores open and clean.


2. Incorporate an exfoliating cleanser for acne-prone skin

Giving your acne-prone skin a deep cleanse, SkinCeuticals Glycolic Renewal Cleanser is formulated with a highly concentrated 8% glycolic acid to encourage a faster skin cell turnover rate. Providing a deep clean for acne prone skin, this daily exfoliating cleanser is non-comedogenic and will not clog pores. Apply a small amount to a damp face and massage the cleanser into the skin in a circular motion.


3. Apply a chemical exfoliant to reduce acne breakouts

Care for your skin with SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator Serum, an oil-free serum for acne that effectively exfoliates whilst boosting the skin’s hydration. Its unique formula can help the skin absorb accompanying acne skincare products in your evening face care routine. SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator Serum has an oil-free formula for a softer and more even skin texture.


4. Finish with an evening moisturiser for acne-prone skin

To seal in all those powerful active ingredients, finish your evening skincare routine with SkinCeuticals Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight Cream. This evening moisturiser is specifically formulated for oily and acne-prone skin types. Apply a small amount and massage it into the face, avoiding the eye area as you do so.

Supplements for Acne

Vitamins can give the skin the extra boost needed to fight acne. Vitamin A, D, zinc, and omega-3s are the most widely used vitamins for treating acne.Acne flare-ups are associated with a variety of factors, and one overlooked contributor is the intake of certain supplements. These include high-dose and prolonged use of vitamin B6, B12, iodine, biotin, multivitamins, whey protein and anabolic steroids.

How can zinc help improve acne?

Essential, zinc has long been recommended to help with acne prone skin. It plays a key part in the immune system and has qualities such as helping with enzymes, cell division and healing. 

How can selenium help improve acne?

Selenium is the supplement many swear by.
It’s involved in fighting infection, and hormone balance. It works best in conjunction with zinc and vitamin E. When treating acne, it’s main role is as an anti-inflammatory.

How can Vitamin E help improve acne?

Known as the 'healing' vitamin, vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. It encourages healing, and is specifically renowned helping with acne scarring. You’ll find vitamin E in nuts, avocado and spinach.

How can Vitamin A help improve acne?

The great thing about vitamin A is that it contains retinol and pro-vitamin A carotenoids which help withgrowth, development and the immune system and most importantly, with skin cell regeneration. A big plus when fighting acne!

How can Vitamin C help improve acne?

Also known as L-ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a regular favourite and for good reason: this antioxidant fights free radical damage and helps with collagen renewal. It’s key to healthier, bouncier looking skin!

How can fish oil or omega 3 help improve acne?

Rich in fatty acids, omega 3 also strengthens skin (and nails), helps manage stress and balance hormone levels, thus striving for a better skin.

How can coconut oil help improve acne?

The benefits externally are well known although not recommended for acne-prone skin, but taken internally, coconut oil works as an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, thus helping acne prone skin in its fight against infection.

Nonacne supplement for Acne


  • Nonacne has both active and preventive action - it removes existing spots and prevents the appearance of new lesions,
  • helps get rid of pustules, reddening, pimples and other skin imperfections resulting from inflammation of the skin,
  • it is effective in fighting acne caused by hormonal imbalance,
  • leads to a clean, healthy complexion and improves the condition of facial skin,
  • completely safe for your health,
  • contains unique ingredients, the combination of which has never before been used in any other anti-acne product!


The ingredients have been chosen in such a way as to work together to comprehensively solve the problems of acne skin. Each ingredient has its own task to fulfill, while in combination the ingredients solve the problem of inflammatory lesions permanently and effectively! This unique composition of Nonacne includes: red clover, sarsaparilla, grape seed extract, nettle leaves, zinc, lycopene, copper and vitamins: C, A, E, B5 and B6.


Red clover - (its Latin name means found in meadows) is a source of many valuable elements and one of the main methods used by herbalists to treat acne. Red clover is rich in daidzein, genistein and formononetin, salicylic acid, choline, methyl salicylate, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, vitamin B-3, C and E as well as beta-carotene. It contains isoflavones and acts as an estrogen to correct the hormonal imbalances that cause acne. Additionally, it is a strong antioxidant that cleanses the body of excess toxins.

Sarsaparilla - a herb derived from the roots of of greenbrier plans that was first used in South America and Asia. Today, these countries continue to use sarsaparilla as an effective method of treating skin ailments. The effectiveness of this herb has been confirmed in clinical trials - it has antibacterial and antifungal properties and effectively eliminates acne. It also reduces inflammation of the skin and is rich in valuable minerals, such as: iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, silicon and vitamins C, A, B, D.

Grape seed extract - contains Vitamin E, flavonoids and linoleic acid, which help to protect collagen and elastin in cells. Linoleic acid softens and smoothes the skin, thus making it healthy and free of spots. Grape seeds also contain OPC, which is rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body and slow down the aging process. Furthermore, OPC can effectively prevent the appearance of spots and keep skin healthy.

Nettle leaf extract - has laboratory-confirmed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It shows strong antioxidant and cleansing properties and neutralizes free radicals. Nettle inhibits the release of inflammatory prostaglandins COX-2, hinders the growth of bacteria and has a beneficial effect on skin by fighting diseases such as acne.Its antibacterial properties prevent the growth of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including E.coli.

Vitamin C - plays an essential role skin regeneration. Studies have confirmed that vitamin C can reduce irritation and redness associated with acne scars and acne. It also rebuilds damaged collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

Zinamax Supplement for Acne

The product is dedicated to people who want to get rid of pimples, inflammation, and also improve the condition of their complexion. The effects of the pills can be observed even after the first month of use.The product has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It deeply moisturizes the skin and supports wound healing. In addition, it reduces the production of sebum, leaving the skin in excellent condition.

 Zinamax is based on plant extracts, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients known for their anti-acne properties. The product's main ingredient is lactoferrin, a protein that exhibits a number of properties, including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic activity.

Lactoferrin - an effectiveingredient against acne

Zinamax contains lactoferrin, which has been shown to have a positive effect on inflammatory changes caused by acne. It is a multipotent protein with extraordinary properties because it has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic properties.

The effectiveness of lactoferrin was confirmed in a clinical study* conducted on subjects aged 18-30 years. They were randomly divided into two groups, one of which consumed fermented milk with 200 mg of lactoferrin, while the other consumed milk without lactoferrin.


38.6% less inflammation
23.1% less acne blemishes
20.3% less acne intensity
31.1% less natural sebum

The study found that those who consumed lactoferrin showed a reduction in:

inflammation by 38.6%

the number of acne blemishes by 23.1%

acne intensity by 20.3%

amount of sebum by 31.1%


Seek professional help

If over-the-counter products aren't doing the trick, it may be time to consult a dermatologist. They can provide personalized recommendations and treatments that target your specific skin concerns.

Maintain a healthy diet

Foods to Avoid or Limit to Prevent Acne

What you eat matters in your pursuit of glowing and flawless skin. From chocolates to French fries, there is a long list of foods that you should avoid. They are:

1. High-Glycemic Foods

High-glycemic foods will instantly increase your blood sugar levels, making your body increase insulin hormone levels, which sends the signal to your body to hike blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels will lead to increased inflammation and cause Acne. The rise in the rate of insulin release and blood sugar levels causes excess sebum oil production, which leads to Acne. So, avoid foods that have a high glycemic index like potato fries, milkshakes, white bread, pastries, cornflakes, and more.

2. Dairy Products

Researchers have revealed that consuming products made with cow’s milk causes acne outbreaks . Another study showed that low-fat milk and skimmed milk would also lead to Acne . The proteins in milk, which are responsible for stimulating the growth hormone levels when ingested, release IGF-1 hormone, which causes acne breakouts. People with lactose intolerance will also face acne breakouts from an allergic reaction when consuming dairy products. So, vegan options like almond or soy milk will be beneficial.

3. Fast Foods

Even though fast foods might be tasty, they are loaded with high glycemic ingredients, sugars, and fat – all of which are contributing factors to Acne . Fast foods like fried chicken, hamburgers, pizzas, and fries have refined carbs and less nutritional value, which cause inflammation, excess oil production, and severe acne breakouts.

4. Chocolate

There is only limited evidence about how chocolates may be contributing to Acne . But chocolate bars are made using dairy ingredients and sugar, which are known for causing Acne. However, you need not sacrifice dark chocolates that contain cacao nibs and no sugar. Dark chocolates contain vitamins like E, C, and zinc, which benefit your skin.

5. Alcohol & Caffeine

Caffeine caffeine can spike your cortisol levels, leading to acne breakouts by increasing sebum production. According to a study, coffee can lower your body’s insulin sensitivity, which will increase inflammation and cause acne breakouts. Regular consumption of alcohol can spike up your hormones, causing a high amount of sebum production and painful Acne. It also hikes up estrogen hormone imbalances, which can increase the frequency of acne breakouts. Another study revealed that people whose diet included low amounts of dairy products, alcohol, and coffee did not develop Acne.

6. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are developed with high amounts of sugar to improve your blood glucose levels. A study showed that sugar from your drinks can make you prone to developing Acne. So, avoid energy drinks and soft drinks with excess sugar.

Foods to Eat to Prevent Acne and Get a Clear Skin

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods that contain polyunsaturated fat known as Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for promoting skin health. Eating foods rich in these fatty acids will help in preventing skin issues like Acne, psoriasis, and eczema, prevent skin inflammation, and build healthy skin. Consuming oily varieties like sardines, trout, salmon, cod, mackerel, and kippers will cover your Omega-3 fatty acids requirement. If you don’t like seafood, substitute it with plant sources like walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and rapeseed oil.

2. Antioxidants

Foods loaded with antioxidants are a powerful choice to protect your skin from the damage caused by free radicals, which can cause Acne. It neutralizes toxic molecules and prevents inflammation and the effects of oxidative stress. Vitamin C foods are loaded with essential antioxidants to improve collagen production, speed up skin healing, and lower the appearance of acne scars. Vitamin C foods like bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, and citrus fruits are excellent choices for problem-free skin. You can also include berries, leafy greens, and green tea every day.

3. Vitamin E

Including foods rich in Vitamin E will help shield your skin against cell damage caused by oxidative stress and photo-aging effects. Your everyday diet should have foods like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, avocados, and almonds loaded with vitamin E to get acne-free skin.

4. Selenium

Selenium, a potent antioxidant, teams up with vitamins E and C to give you clear skin. A study revealed that consuming selenium-rich foods every day will help protect your skin from age spots, cancer, and sun damage. Increase your selenium levels by eating up to three Brazil nuts, or include broccoli, tomatoes, wheat germ, eggs, shellfish, and fish.

5. Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps maintain the suppleness of your skin by maintaining the functions of your oil glands to prevent acne breakouts. It also aids in repairing skin damage and promotes the healing process. Your diet should have zinc-rich foods like shellfish, seeds, nuts, poultry, wholegrains, lean red meat, and fish.

6. Probiotics

A healthy gut is essential for acne-free skin, as any imbalances in your gut flora can cause acne breakouts and inflammation. Probiotics, fondly called good bacteria, restore your gut microbiota balance and promote the digestive process. Including probiotic-rich fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt will help achieve radiant skin and a healthy gut.

7. Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that possess a structure that mimics estrogen hormone to maintain the hormone levels in your body. Including foods rich in this plant hormone will help lower skin damage and support its natural structure. You can include phytoestrogen foods like flax seeds, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, tempeh, and tofu in your diet.

Lifestyle Factors that Complement a Healthy Diet

  • Monitor your body weight by tracking it each week to help you know whether you are gaining or losing weight after following a healthy diet.
  • Choose nutritious meals with high protein and fewer calories, even when dining with friends.
  • Avoid sugar-loaded drinks and opt for naturally infused water, tender coconut water, and normal water to keep you hydrated throughout the day.
  • If you live in a cold region, bathe in lukewarm water instead of hot water to optimize skin health and remove toxins.
  • Regular exercises or yoga are important to stay fit and physically active.
  • Avoid spending much time on your laptops or computers. If you have a desk job, take frequent breaks to walk and grab water to break the sitting patterns and reduce screen time.
  • Get enough sleep, as it can promote your immune levels. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and stick to the same time each day to have a restful sleep.
  • Speak with your loved ones and let out your emotions like fear, anxiety, or sadness when you are down, as stress can cause skin issues like Acne and pimples.

Remember, getting to healthier skin is a journey, not a race. Be patient with yourself and your skin, and don't be disheartened by setbacks. With time and the right approach, achieving healthier, radiant skin is absolutely possible.

I hope these tips help you on your quest for healthier skin. Stay consistent, stay positive, and here's to achieving that healthy, glowing complexion you deserve!


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